Donations to All Nations Christian Assembly
If you wish to support All Nations Christian Assembly (ANCA) financially, you can make donations to the bank account below. Please note, because ANCA is unincorporated it does not have its own bank account. The transactions and balances of this bank savings account are review monthly by two independent people in the church to ensure that all monies are correctly used for church purposes.
Bank Account:
MJ and GH Hobbs (held on behalf of All Nations Christian Assembly)
Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG
IBAN: DE49 5207 0024 0022 2737 61
Donations to Mike and Gabi Hobbs
If you wish to support Mike and Gabi Hobbs personally in their ministry, you can make donations to their bank account below. All money received from those within the church is reported to the church monthly. This account is monitored by two independent people so that the amounts reported are reliable.
Bank Account:
Michael and Gabriele Hobbs
Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG
IBAN: DE22 5207 0024 0022 2737 62
Thank you for your support.